Tuesday, 6 October 2009

I have interesting talks with people. I like other perspectives for the most part. I like to sit and just watch and listen to people. I don't know if that's weird or not. I'm sure it is to most people. But there you go, I'm a weird boy who sits and watches everyone. But according to some people that gives me more insight....I'm not sure if that's true or not. But I've been told I'm "deep". Not sure what that in tales exactly....But for the most part I understand more then most people realize concerning feelings and understanding certain situations.
It surprises them when I make an educated guess about something in their lives that I shouldn't have had knowledge of in the first place. But there you go, that's life. People knowing things about you that you wished they didn't. How my friends are so often saying....that's my life story.
Having people know things they didn't really need to know in the first place. I find it funny that people think that they have a right to but into others personal lives simply because they know the individuals involved. On the contrary, no one has a right to anyone else's life. Let alone their concerns and problems. Again I find it amusing. Its true that as a friend you have a rightful love and concern for another, but that doesn't give anyone the right to over step that boundary of personal space.